Abstract for Royal College of Art

Royal College of Art, 18-19 November 2011

The Edge of Our Thinking Conference

The Edge of Our Thinking is an inaugural student-led research conference investigating a range of current perspective in art and design. Professional researchers and research students from across the UK will hold presentations and workshops in a variety of practical and theory-based subject areas, offering the unique opportunity for critical interdisciplinary exchange.


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Paula Rego, House of Stories. Portugal

Amazing gallery. Spent and intense and inspiring day here. Loved the room full of her beautiful, senstive and vibrant observational drawings.




Is it me or is there a spooky resemblence between this figure and Nick Cave?Nick Cave and Paula Rego in one go- made my day!



Copy of  Saint Dymphna. Difficult to retain fluid and amimated mark making, characteristc of Regos draughtsmanship, while retaining accuracy. Would like to have returned and copied a number of times until the movements felt more gestural and less controlled and contrived





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Shortlisted for Art Prize

Very pleased to be in the top 50 of the 3RDWARD Summer Open.

Congratulations to our Summer Open Call Winners!

DateAug 18, 2011 Share ArticleShare Article

The stakes were higher than ever. Our Summer Open Call was our biggest one yet, and we are proud to announce Mu Pan is the Grand Prize winner, and will show his work at a solo show at 3rd Ward and in a feature presentation at Art Taipei.

And check out our Top 50 winners, too! Click the squares to see each portfolio


Alan Gaynor

Alice Odilon

Alice Rodriguez

Amanda Roberts

Ashley Campbell

Bartosz Sikorski

Caridad Sola

Craig Hudson

Daisy Chen

Elizabeth Gill

Emese Szabo

Emi Brady

Esteban Figueroa

Ginny Mangrum

Giordano Cipriani

Hannah O’Hara

Henry Fernando

Ian Atkinson

Jamie Masters

Johnny Tang

Jonathan Wang

Jonny Briggs

Jwalant Mahadevwala

Karie Titus

Kat Ryals

Katherine Mann

Kevin Arnold

Kevin Ewing

Kitty Lin

Laura Alexander

Lauren Kalman

Michael Schmidt

Michelle Hamer

Mike Brown

MJ Miller

Nicolas Vionnet

Nicole Dextras

Nicole Salimbene

Nikki Romanello

Patricia Ridenour

Patricia Gutierrez

Priscilla Aleman

Rajinder Singh

Renata Cione

Ruey Shiann Shyu

Ryan Raffa

Sara Keith

Talita Gutierrez

Tang Kwok-hin

Yvette Kaiser Smith
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